Day #10: W00t! Challenge complete! ALRIGHT! We made it to the end of the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge!!! It’s just such a rewarding feeling to start something, follow it through, and finish it. Many thank yous to Helen Iwata from Sasuga! Communications for encouraging me to participate in the challenge. Also, much appreciation for those who helped with my Day #4 challenge. Writing that blog post really allowed me to understand who I […]
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SPECIAL BLOG: 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge #9
Day #9: Do I Wish to Be “Location Independent?” For this challenge, we consider the benefits of being “location independent.” I hadn’t heard this phrase before but, I have been enjoying this sort of independence since I officially launched TopTia. To not be tied to a desk or cubicle–not that that is a bad thing–is rewarding for an open-minded person such as myself. To be able to work here or there or anywhere and take […]
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Day 8: My Adventure I enjoy hearing stories of other people’s travels. How they travelled to this country and saw this landmark, or went to that place and participated in that activity. As much as I love to hear the stories, I haven’t really found myself interested in following in the speakers’ footsteps. Why? I love local foods. If I am going to travel to the different prefectures of Japan, or areas in Southeast Asia, or […]
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Day 7: Turn that imperfect action into a perfect (or close to it) action in 30 days. This one was a bit tricky. Pinning down one or two tasks I would consider imperfect actions overwhelmed me. I was overwhelmed with the task of combating overwhelm. I’ve decided to keep this one a bit lighter than my other posts. My imperfect action is promoting TopTia to Japanese in Japanese. I won’t out myself by saying how […]
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Day #6: Identify 1 to 2 key mentors who you would like to have in your life. Day #6 everyone! Here’s the latest food for thought from Natalie. A quote from Zig Ziglar, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” The message was very similar to one my mother used to always tell me. Inspirational people is a fairly new topic I’ve paid attention too. Before TopTia, I […]
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