
SPECIAL BLOG: 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge #4

Day #4: What are my superpowers and how can I monetize them? For Day #4 Natalie has asked us to identify our sweet spot for how we can utilize our unique and personal talents, enjoy those talents and perhaps generate a revenue from said talents.  Now, as a photographer, I would clearly say that I am good at photography, I enjoy photography, and I can earn a living doing photography. I could do that, but this […]

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SPECIAL BLOG POST: 10 Day Freedom Plan Challenge #3

Day #3: Creating a Vision for the Future. What does your perfect day look like? Growing up my mother always told me to think big. Somehow, my time at university turned “think big” into “think reasonably.” Demoting my ability to be ambitious, often times made my days merely acceptable, not perfect. With Natalie Sisson’s Day 3 challenge, I’ll focus my energy to getting back to think big and living free. So, what does a perfect TopTia […]

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SPECIAL BLOG POST: 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge #2

Day 2 Challenge: Why do I want to live the freedom lifestyle? What Does Freedom Mean? I won’t lie, I looked at this question with curiosity and thought, well what do I consider the freedom lifestyle? I’m an adult, so that makes me free from my parents (and free to eat as many cookies as I please). I’m an entrepreneur, making me free of an 9 to 5 profession. Also, I live in Japan, free from many […]

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SPECIAL BLOG POST: 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge #1

One of the most fascinating challenges I find about blogging is blogging.  Go figure! A good friend and client of mine recommended a neat answer to my blogging woes: Natalie Sisson’s 10 Day Freedom plan blog challenge.  Day #1 of Natalie’s challenge encourages us to identify two of the challenges that hold us back from blogging. I recited my top two culprits immediately upon request–those who know me best could probably name them just as […]

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YouTube 2016 Japan Summer Gathering!

Hiko Saemon and Victor Boggio were at it again for this year’s YouTube Summer Party at the all too hospitable Sports Bar Cafe. Over 100 YouTube vloggers and fans partied in Roppongi, Saturday night on September 3rd. Being my second YouTube annual event, it was great to see some familiar faces from the YouTube Hanami Party, months before. Below are a few of the photos taken by TopTia. Leave a comment and let me know […]

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