This year was such a transformative year! Networking with other creatives and diving deeper into my craft offered some fantastic questions about myself and even more rifting answers. Here are some of my most memorable moments of 2024.
Meeting Geisha in Obama, Fukui

Going to Australia while reading Chris Orwig’s Book Authentic Portraits and having deep connections with family and new friends in Australia.

Looking at how far TOPTIA has come from 2016 to 2024. Helen Iwata was my very first client and here we are updating her Sasuga! Communications branding for her latest program.

In 2020, I joined an online community led by an amazing photographer and coach, Sye Bryce. To be finding myself on the Portrait System Podcast had me pinching myself!

My first series of photo shoots in Charlotte

Meeting my Photography Pod of the Elena S Blair Mastermind in Brooklyn for the first time

Photographing beautiful Mothers for Mother’s Day

This was a full-circle moment! Photographing For Empowering Women Japan’s Career Strategies Seminar in 2016 and again this year in 2024!

This year had me traveling quite a bit. On one of my travels, I sat next to an artist heading for Germany. To my surprise, he was putting together an exhibition in 3 month’s time. George Ichikawa hosted his Poo Poo Unicorns exhibition of a very unique unicorn made in multiple mediums.

Nobue is my amazing hair and makeup stylist who works with my clients who come into our studio. While she professionally trained in Paris, she wanted to complete a second level of training in Japan. She, too, joined during the pandemic, and 3 years later, she finished training at Yamato Beauty College!

This trip really kicked off my motivation to look more into the art and play of photography and less into the technicalities of a photography business. Meeting these amazing photographers who are known throughout the world, helped me see myself and my potential in a more positive and exciting light. I owe a lot of my growth this year to this group of fun-loving artists!

We enjoyed a lot of accomplishments this year, including a team editorial photo session with a global firm, getting to know the beautiful town of Obama, and being trusted with the stories of some strong women who overcame long traumas.