Day #10: W00t! Challenge complete!

ALRIGHT! We made it to the end of the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge!!! It’s just such a rewarding feeling to start something, follow it through, and finish it. Many thank yous to Helen Iwata from Sasuga! Communications for encouraging me to participate in the challenge. Also, much appreciation for those who helped with my Day #4 challenge. Writing that blog post really allowed me to understand who I am, what I am good at, and use it to help others.  Below are some of the questions from Natalie’s final post for the challenge:


What you enjoyed most about your experience of taking part in the blog challenge

I enjoyed asking myself the questions that came from each challenge. Some of them were difficult and some were simply questions I had never asked myself. Once I had answered the questions, I could feel my inner flow and carried that feeling around me throughout these past two weeks. As of now, I have a new and better sense of self.

Your favorite challenge day and why

  • Day #2. The challenge was to decide whether or not I wanted to live the “freedom lifestyle.” At the time of writing the post, it was the first time I had has seen a term describing the life I had wanted to live. From that point, I had a clear vision of the life I wanted to lead, how to get myself there, and how to enjoy the journey ahead.
  • Day #3 / Day #6 allowed me to indulge a bit on what I really want in life. Up until this point, I struggled with answering the question, “What do I want?” The answers had no ounce of imagination or freedom at all: “Keep your head down, do your work, don’t get into trouble,” “Be the better than the others,” “Earn enough to live a decent life.” I lived that way for so long. Day #6 really pushed me into thinking about my own travelling adventure. I travel for work and to visit family, that’s it. Coming to Japan was pretty much the extent of my “adventure.” Perhaps my life in Japan IS the adventure. I certainly have a ton of stories and photos to show for it. Using my love for food really opened the doors to developing a new adventure in Europe. We’ll see how it goes.

The next step you’re going to take to make your freedom plan a reality

First and foremost, I need to make it known to myself that I want to continue the benefits I’ve already received from this Freedom Plan challenge:


I want to continue the benefits from this Freedom Plan Challenge so that I may live a fruitful and selfless life from this day forward. I hope to establish meaningful contributions to my peers while catering to my own happiness and well-being. 


  1. I will continue to read these Freedom Plan blog posts I have written for myself. These will act as positive messages to motivate me during any setbacks I may–will–have.
  2. I will use my idols and mentors as my inspiration to try harder! Even after my post about Alex I., I have found two other photographers who I find equally inspiring.
  3. I will take Zig Ziglar’s quote to task and tailor my five-person village into a village–or team–of individuals that will motivate me to push harder and become more daring in my life’s adventure.
  4. I will attack my Imperfect Action and master it so that I can be successful with my goal to bridge Japanese businesses and their non-Japanese customers.
    1. The first thing I must do is practice my key Japanese phrases from my pitch.
    2. I find it amazing to be able to speak and read in another language, why not amaze myself even further?
  5. Each day I will continue to replicate my perfect day. I will do my daily walks, I will eat my scrumptious breakfast, I will go out with my camera and explore Tokyo city as I envisioned I would on the Day #3 Challenge.


There will be days where I will fail in these action steps. But please know, I will get up, brush myself, and try again and again again.

To Natalie Sisson, thank you so much for creating the 10 Day Freedom Plan Challenge. I have learned so much about myself in these past few days and look forward to the journey ahead.


Tia K. Haygood


PS: If you have been following my blogs from the 10 Day Challenge, please do continue to follow TopTia in the future blog posts to come! I’ll see you all soon!

Best wishes!

blog-challenge-badge-12 This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 10

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