Supporting Local NPOs and Raising Awareness
This past Spring TopTia Photography continued it’s support for Run for the Cure (RFTC) not once but twice during the Spring season.
First, with a team of photographers, we created coverage the fantastic Pink Ball fundraising event at the Westin Hotel where the event brought in over 10 million yen in donation, raffles and auction prizes. While guests made bids on their favorite prizes, amazing performances played to the delight of everyone present. Furthermore, the evening ended with an nice take away gift bag.

Later in the season, TopTia Photography photographed Nao Nakajima and Hozuki Yamaguchi of N Head Wear. These two women design and create hats for breast cancer fighters and survivors. It was truly a pleasure listening and capturing to their stories . Their wholesome brand dedicates itself to making breast cancer survivors feel closer to a new and stronger self.

Looking forward to participating in more communal events with RFTC for their upcoming Casino Night on September 13th.
To read the entire bi-lingual magazine, click here.